Welcome To Early Bird
Universal Pre-K
Early Bird is a proud partner with the Springville-Griffith Institute Central School District
Our program provides a balance between academic development and free play and exploration. Students are allowed the time for making friends, developing social/emotional skills, and conict resolution skills.
Early Bird’s Universal Pre-Kindergarten curriculum offers instruction in mathematics, science, social studies, motor development, and social/emotional skills. These programs are articulated with the New York State Pre-Kindergarten
Learning Standards and the Springville-Grith Institute Central School District curriculum ensuring the Early Bird U-PreK students receive the best preparation for Kindergarten.
Early Bird offers UPK families an exclusive discounted full-day rate. With our all-day Pre-K program, your child will immerse in an enriching environment filled with games, crafts, playgrounds, and toys. They'll enjoy a seamless transition from UPK class to playtime, ensuring a fun and engaging experience all day long.
Why not come and see our program in action.
For more information or to complete the school district interest survey, please follow this link: Space is Limited! Register for UPK by February 14! | Springville-Griffith Institute
Universal Pre-Kindergarten Program
Offering free, full-day UPK for residents of the SGI school district
Eligible children must be four years-old by December 1, 2025
Before and after UPK care is available for your child
Cognitive Development and Problem-Solving Skills
Social Interaction and Teamwork
Gross and Fine Motor Skills
Contact Us
Join Our New Session
Call To Enroll Your Child
(716) 592 3868
(585) 492-2254